Why PA Foundation?
The pandemic has emphasized the necessity of having a robust and equitable food system, where all Americans, regardless of where they live or how much they earn, can easily get nutritious fresh food and where the foodservice supply chain can integrate in this mission. We are a critical part of the solution set to provide hunger relief, grow jobs, and strengthen local economies, particularly in underinvested rural and urban communities.
The fresh food that we have distributed over the last seven months and continue to distribute, has created a multilayered blanket of help, impacting the individuals and communities who received millions of boxes of fresh, healthful food, as well as offering a chance for resurrection for thousands of employees working in the fresh food supply chain. For each 1,000 boxes packed per week approximately 10 jobs were created. These jobs included box assemblers, shipping/receiving, transportation, management, procurement and more. This does not include the jobs created at the grower/supplier level.
Immediate Relief
Support the Health & Economic Vibrancy of Americans
Any funds received by the PA Foundation are immediately used to put food in the hands of those who need it most. In one-two weeks from receiving funds, immediate distribution of fresh foods boxes will occur into the underserved communities.
Providing Access
Improve Healthy Food Access in Underserved Communities
Working with community leaders to bring food boxes to accessible points within the communities. For example, church or school parking lots, doorsteps, bus routes, etc.
Customized Boxes to Meet the Needs of Communities
These boxes could be customized to meet the needs of the communities they will go to. Customized as to the size, products, documents placed in the Box.
Job Creation
1,000 boxes packed per day = 10 jobs created
These jobs included box assemblers, shipping/receiving, transportation, management, procurement and more. This does not include the jobs created at the grower/supplier level.
Food Safety
Ensuring High Quality & the Best Value to those in Need
Food safety and food defense, traceability, labeling, means testing, FARS, and reporting and invoicing requirements. PA’s purchasing power will bring the most competitive pricing and choice available to our food boxes